Posted by: Chloe | October 4, 2010

“The Kiss”

In the first act, Claire picks up Alex’s phone and discovers that she has been texting with a boy. Feeling disconnected from her youngest daughter, she enlists Haley to talk to Alex in order to see if she can get the scoop on this boy. Meanwhile, the subplot develops when Gloria decides to have the entire family over for a traditional Columbian meal. Her deceased grandmother has repeatedly appeared in her dreams, telling her that she has is loosing touch with her Columbian roots. Jay tries to print out a picture of Gloria’s deceased grandmother, but he can’t get the printer to work so, he asks Phil for help. Alex visits Jeremy, the boy she has been texting, to prove to him that she isn’t a lesbian, an idea Haley put in her head, by asking him to kiss her. After she makes this speech on Jeremy’s doorstep, his door opens further to reveal his entire soccer team, whom heard the whole thing. Alex gets super embarrassed and runs off.

In the second act, the audience learns that Jay has been teasing Gloria about her visions of her dead grandmother. She decides to get back at him by coming up with fake Columbian customs for him to perform like “slapping the chicken.” Alex finds out that her mom, Claire, was reading her texts and becomes extremely angry. Manny and Luke try to figure out if the spirit of Gloria’s grandmother is really in the house by imploring her to show herself. While in the attic, Phil tries to get the printer to work again by fixing the router and then pressing the print button. The picture of Gloria’s grandmother that Jay was trying to get, prints out and scares Luke and Manny to death.

In the third act, Mitch’s trouble showing public affection comes to fruition. When Cam tries to kiss Mitch at Jay’s home, Mitch slides away and Cam ends up falling backwards over the couch. It turns out that Jay never really showed Mitch or Claire affection so they have struggled with displaying it throughout their lives. Jay ends up kissing his son to make up for the past and as a way of starting something new. When Haley and Claire get home, Claire shares an embarrassing story with her daughter about an event that happened to her when she was young. Jeremy shows up in the driveway and tells Alex that if his friends had not been present he would have kissed her. When he asks if she wants to try it now, Alex suggests hat they wait and get to know each other better.

I thought that “The Kiss” was a great episode. I liked it even better than last week’s episode because it provided more laugh-out-loud moments. My favorite scene had to of been when Jay “slaps the chicken,” which I posted a video of below. If you have not seen this episode, you can watch it here on ABC’s website.


  1. I never thought of breaking my blog up into the three different acts! But i’ve never been one for organizational skills! It makes it easier to follow the plot. I wasn’t confused at all. (I don’t regularly watch the show so that was great!)

  2. I remember seeing this advertised and I thought it was hilarious. I like how you have this broken down. Looks good.

  3. This episode was very well done. Especially since there was a lot online drama about Mitch and Cam kissing, but it wasn’t overdone. However, it was simple in a good way.

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